Thursday, November 29, 2007


Now Java component development is coming full circle. New programming techniques, including aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and inversion of control (IoC), are giving JavaBeans much of the power of EJB. These techniques furnish JavaBeans with a declarative programming model reminiscent of EJB, but without all of EJB’s complexity. No longer must you resort to writing an unwieldy EJB component when a simple JavaBean will suffice. And that’s where Spring steps into the picture.

Why Spring? Spring makes developing enterprise applications easier.

J2EE should be easy to use। In keeping with this philosophy, Spring was designed with the following beliefs:
  • Good design is more important than the underlying technology।
  • JavaBeans loosely coupled through interfaces is a good model।
  • Code should be easy to test.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

sql link